Every fall there is a photography event in northern Virginia called “Nature Visions.” It’s a full weekend of photography related lectures, workshops, and vendors. Last year I went for the first time. I attended a few of the talks, drooled over all of the cameras and lenses for sale, and committed to come back in 2017 with my checkbook! It was a wonderful weekend for adding ‘life to my years!’
As I left the expo center with my friend, a huge wind came through; the kind of wind that nearly knocks you off of your feet. I looked up, and was awestruck by the most amazing cloud formations coming our way. I jumped in my car and headed towards home – a good hour-and-a-half drive. As I drove, I noticed the clouds getting more and more ominous, totally covering the sky. Something told me that it was going to be a sunset that I wouldn’t want to miss! I decided to start driving around the country roads that I had been passing, looking for a place to wait for the sun to set.
A lonely country road near Brandy Station Battlefield, caught my eye, so I decided to pass the time there (I still had at least an hour until sunset, but I knew the wait would be worth it,). I called my very understanding husband and told him I was going to wait around for a while. Some more exploring led me back to the same little road. Something about it just drew me to it.
I have to say that the wait was totally worth it! All of a sudden, a rainbow appeared in the field to my right, and I was running around, trying to capture it with my lens. Then the clouds started turning a bright orange – WOW, did they turn! In every direction, the sky seemed on fire. There was a small house on the hill beside me surrounded by swirling clouds and bright orange skies – I felt like I was in the middle of the tornado scene from the Wizard of Oz! It was one of those sunsets i will never forget!

Prints of this and other images are available for purchase.
Please CONTACT if you are interested!