Monet's Water Lilies

I’ve always loved Claude Monet’s famous Water Lilies paintings. I knew it was a series of 250, or so, individual paintings, but didn’t realize that he painted them in his own back (well, side) yard!  On a visit to his home in Giverny several springs…

Botany Bay

In landscape photography, there are many well known icons. Photographers flock to these icons, and they are icons for a reason. They might be beautiful, they might be unusual, or, perhaps, they cause an emotional response. Sometimes, they are all three. Such are the trees…

It’s back to school time! A time to rejoice for parents, a time of anticipation for some students, and unhappiness for others. I thought it would be fun to share our favorite back to school pix for this Foto Friday!  You can post your faves…