Another first! Today is the first TRAVEL TUESDAY posting!!
For me, a big part of adding life to my years has been seeing the world, and visiting all of the places I read about through my life and dreamed of experiencing in-person. My Travel Tuesday postings will range from tips to discounts to reminiscences. If you love to travel (and I KNOW a lot of you do), consider being a guest contributor! If you’re interested, just send me a message and tell me what you’re thinking about sharing. You could be featured on “The Life In My Years!”
For this first installment, carrying on with yesterday’s theme of how you would spend one nice day with an out-of-town guest within 2 hours of your home, I thought I’d talk about Day-Tripping. As you probably can guess from the artwork on this page, I’m a dog-owner. Because I almost ALWAYS travel with my husband, our travel budget always includes about $100 per day for the doggie hotel. That can take a big nip (pun intended) out of a travel budget! So, from time to time, in between our ‘big’ vacations, we Day-Trip.
The key to successful Day-Tripping is to find locations that don’t require a lot of driving that you can get to by car, plane or train (or, if you live on the coast, by boat) within an hour or so. I live in Southern California, so, for me, Day-Trips include Las Vegas, San Francisco, and San Jose, just to name a few. Find out which airlines have early departure flights and late return flights to the cities you’d like to visit, then sign up for airline sales alerts (either through airline webpages or through an airline deal scanner like If a good deal comes up, book it, and prepare to get up EARLY in the morning (WARNING: it doesn’t seem worth it as your dragging to the airport at 5 o’clock in the morning, but, trust me, when you come back that night, you’ll feel like you had a great vacation!). Once at your destination, you can grab an Uber or Lyft, get to a fun spot (Fremont Street in Vegas, Golden Gate Park in San Fran, Santana Row in San Jose), and start enjoying your day. Or, better yet, plan to meet up with some close-by-plane friends for a ‘play date!’ No luggage to check, no doggie hotels, no people hotels, no long, expensive airport parking, and no need to take a day off of work!
It’s a great way to slip in a little Life in Your Years without breaking the bank, or planning endlessly for the once-a-year big blow-out trip.
Happy Tripping!