HAPPY SUNDAY! THE END OF ANOTHER WEEK (or the start, depending on how you look at it), and another installment of SUNDAY SHOWSTOPPER SNIPPETS. This week brought the sad announcement that “Bandstand,” the new musical set in 1945, and focusing on the emotional and economic…

It’s a ‘chick-flick,’ ‘teen girls,’ ‘family friendly,’ ‘feel good’ sort of a week! My mother has been visiting, so this week’s movie night gravitated towards the warm and cuddly category, with just the right dash of humor and nostalgia. We double-featured “The Princess Diaries” and…

This summer, our family – my husband and I, and our two 20-something children, went on a trip of a lifetime – a week in the Italian, Austrian and German alps. The highlight of our trip was the four days we spent in the…

This has been a milestone of a year for me! It is the year that I feel as though I’ve finally conquered my ego in order to truly add Life to My Years. A year ago this week, I took a giant leap out of…

It’s WRECIPE WEDNESDAY! If you made ‘QUICHE & TELL‘ from last Wednesday’s column, please go back to the post and let us all know how it came out and what variations you made to the ingredients! If you took a picture, please share! For this…

A SUPER-SAVING TRAVEL TUESDAY COLUMN FOR CRUISERS AND WANNA-BE-CRUISERS!!! Make sure you get to the big $$ savings announcement at the end of the post! I LOVE to cruise. If you’ve been on a cruise or two or twenty before, I’m sure you can relate.…

Plan to be spontaneous until it comes naturally! Prints of this and other images are available for purchase. Please CONTACT if you are interested!

IT’S SUNDAY SHOWSTOPPER SNIPPET TIME!!!!! Okay, I’ll admit it, “A CHORUS LINE” is my FAVORITE Broadway show – well …. maybe 2nd favorite …. no it’s my FAVORITE-FAVORITE. I’ve seen it more times than I can admit – more times than any other show. It…

Another first for my blog! Today is the first CINEMA SATURDAY posting! I know, the blog is about adding Life to our years, so, how do MOVIES do that? Well, aside from the obvious (stories to inspire), if you make your Cinema Saturdays an EVENT,…