This is my plan … on Mondays, I will post something to motivate us (yes, I said “us” – I’m a work in progress!) to get out of our routines, or to just look at life in a different way. It may be a ‘thought for the week,’ it may be something that will require a leap out of our comfort zones.
Here’s our first assignment … in the comments (or, if you’re shy, just in your own thoughts), share an idea of something fun an inexpensive you would do within a few hours from your home to enjoy a morning, afternoon, evening or all-day with a friend or family member visiting from out of town. If you want to tell us the area you live in, that’s fine, but feel free to be vague.
I’ll go first … I’d jump in the car, put the top down (or roll down the windows if we aren’t in a convertible), and head down the coast. I’d stop at a Farmer’s Market and grab some fruits and vegetables for dinner, maybe park and put my toes in the sand, have a nice lunch outside somewhere with a view of the ocean, go window shopping, then, after a few hours, turn around and head back home (stopping for ice cream, of course, on the way!).