It’s a Frozen Sunday Showstopper! If you haven’t heard, “Frozen, the musical” opened its out-of-towner in Denver on Friday, and the reviews are pouring in! Variety remarks that the “aim was to age up the demographic of the animated blockbuster’s stage adaptation, they’ve succeeded. In its live rendition of “Let It Go,” the signature tune from the 2014 Oscar winner, the musical wows adults as much as kids with a brilliant spectacle — as poignant as it is jaw-dropping” (read the full review HERE).
The NY Times wasn’t as gleefully overflowing with praise, but pointed out the more psychological focus on the characters to ‘adultify’ the production. They observed that the deeper story unfolds in Act II after the audience filled with little girls in icy blue Elsa dresses are curled up in their seats, sleeping. Does it need some work before hitting Broadway in 2018? Of course! Most shows do, which is why they do out-of-towners. (Read the full review HERE).
So, on to the Sunday Showstopper Snippet ….
In 2015, Patti Murin (Lysistrata Jones), the eventual “Anna,” and Caissie Levy (Ghost, Wicked, Les Mis, Hair), the eventual Elsa, both performed at Laura Osnes’ (Cinderella, Bandstand), and BOTH sang Frozen songs, as if they knew they’d get the lead roles in 2017! This snippet is Cassie Levy’s mashup of Let It Go and Let It Be in her hilarious bow to “Mother Mendel” (as in Idina), and the near impossible task of singing a song that Idina turned into an anthem for children (and adults) all over the world. Variety said of Caissie’s performance on Friday that “the splendid Caissie Levy — playing Elsa, the conflicted royal sister with magical ice powers – lays claim to the power ballad that Idina Menzel made a hit.”
For more info on the upcoming Broadway opening, or to purchase tix for the Broadway production, click HERE.