I’ve always loved Claude Monet’s famous Water Lilies paintings. I knew it was a series of 250, or so, individual paintings, but didn’t realize that he painted them in his own back (well, side) yard! On a visit to his home in Giverny several springs ago, we discovered the inspiration for his most famous works in full bloom and color.
Walking around the pond and observing from different angles and vantage points was remarkable! The next afternoon we visited the Musée de l’Orangerie where we were enchanted by many of the largest pieces of his water lilies collection, beautifully displayed in large, oval rooms. We could look at the paintings and imagine exactly where he must have been sitting with his easel as he applied each stroke.
Pieces of Monet’s Water Lilies collection are in museums all over the world and represent a great deal of his works over the last 30 years of his life.
Oh, how he must have loved his gardens!

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