Today’s recipe is easy to prepare, feeds a LOT of people, serves up great for a buffet, and is super yummy and comforting. It’s one of my favorite meals to prepare! Named for a city in Spain’s Costa del Sol region, CHICKEN MARBELLA combines all…

Today’s recipe is easy to prepare, feeds a LOT of people, serves up great for a buffet, and is super yummy and comforting. It’s one of my favorite meals to prepare! Named for a city in Spain’s Costa del Sol region, CHICKEN MARBELLA combines all…
Old fashioned egg salad with an updated, gourmet twist! I love to serve this on thinly sliced baguettes with a dollop of caviar or olive tapenade. Far more impressive and tasty than plain ol’ deviled eggs when bringing for a potluck or serving as an…
Time for a comfort-food fiesta! This installment of WRECIPE WEDNESDAY pairs a staple of American mom-cooking (stuffed peppers) with the exciting flavors of Mexico. Make the meal an EVENT by spinning some Carlos Santana (dating myself again), or re-watching some classic Mexican-American themed movies for…