Another first for my blog! Today is the first CINEMA SATURDAY posting! I know, the blog is about adding Life to our years, so, how do MOVIES do that? Well, aside from the obvious (stories to inspire), if you make your Cinema Saturdays an EVENT, an excuse to invite friends over for a ‘movie party,’ or just a push out the comfort of your routine to get out to a movie theatre, and maybe grab a bite or do some serious shopping, then, YES, you’ve created Life in your years. Movie parties with themes – pick your movie, and serve snacks that fit with the theme (watching ‘Fried Green Tomatoes?’ – serve fried green tomatoes, watching ‘Dragonfly?’ serve a variety of Venezuelan foods (empanadas, plantains … Venezuelan food actually reminds me of Brazilian food), or stretch it, and go Hawaiian, since much of the movie was filmed in Kauai!; you can even decorate accordingly, or diffuse some appropriate essential oils or room fragrances to create ‘the mood.’ Or, heck, just pop up a bunch of popcorn, get some Coca-Cola and Junior Mints, and do it the ‘old fashioned way!’ The key is, once in a while, turn your movie watching into an EVENT, not just an exercise in channel surfing. If you stumble on something exceptional, send me a message and maybe I’ll have you submit a review to be featured in “The Life In My Years!”
For the first movie, I’ve chosen an older, non-classic movie, but, don’t worry; sometimes I’ll fill you in on the latest to hit the theatres. I don’t plan on giving bad reviews, only recommendations!
Every once in a while, my husband and I like to go through our collection of DVDs to revisit some of our favorite older movies. As we were scanning titles, we came across “DRAGONFLY.” We had a vague recollection of the premise, remembering that we were both impressed with it, enough so that we added it to our permanent movie library. Dragonfly came out in 2002, and was considered a “box office flop,” failing to recoup even half of its production costs domestically (although it got to 2/3 recoupment when you add in the international take). It is something of a ghost story, but not the kind with evil spirits killing and maiming, or blood and guts. Dragonfly is a suspense movie with a wave of spirituality thrown in – an ethereal adventure that inspires, amazes, educates and weaves a good ‘yarn.’
Kevin Costner plays Joe Darrow, a dedicated Chicago ER Doctor who is torn apart by the reported death of his pregnant wife (also a doctor) while she was caring for victims of a disaster in the rainforest of Venezuela. When he is confronted with haunting messages being delivered by his wife’s pediatric cancer patients, seemingly from ‘the other side,’ his mourning turns to an unsettled obsession that shakes his beliefs about life and death to the core.
Dragonfly is a very well-crafted movie with a powerful performance by Costner, supported by the frequently phenomenal, Kathy Bates. Whether you believe in after life encounters, are a non-believer, or are firmly on the fence, this film will pull you into its grip. Give it a look. I think you’ll agree!
I believe Dragonfly is on Netflix, but, if not, or if you want to get the DVD, it’s available at a bargain price!